
Your valued Donations shall be used for the following broad objectives of the Trust without discrimination on the grounds of caste, creed, gender, nationality and religion.


To undertake all kinds of activities related to medical relief for the public at large with a special focus on the welfare of Women and Children. Such relief shall be given by providing all kinds of medicines and drugs including allopathy, homeopathy, ayurvedic, etc., to bear the hospitalization expenses and Clinical Expenses such as X-rays, pathology and all kinds of clinical tests to needy and poor people.

To assist all institutions having similar medical objects.

To establish and assist in establishment of hospitals, maternity homes, Dispensaries, Blood Bank and imaging centres for the benefit of the general public and to maintain them.

To provide the above relief, the medical camps shall be conducted from time to time and create awareness on various life threating diseases.


To start, to maintain, to run, to develop institutions imparting all types of education to enable every needy human being to live a self-supporting life.

To start, maintain, run, and develop support schools, colleges, and universities imparting education and knowledge of every type.

To establish, run and operate Mare House (Ghodiya Ghar), Courtyard Shelter (Aanganwadi), Nursery, Primary and Secondary / Higher Secondary School, Colleges, Schools for girls, technical educational institutions.

To impart vocational training in the filed of computer, commerce, profession, medicine, Management, Disaster Management so that the lesser educated can be self-employed.

Provide Scholarships and assistance by way of providing Notebooks, Books forming part of curriculum and rendering facility of library to the poor and the needy students.

Other charitable objects:

To carry out activities of human service, charily, knowledge dissemination, mercy and compassion and, toward that end: manage orphanages, old age homes, children's homes, cow sheds, benches, sows, wells, lakeside homes, lecture halls, and; other useful public places (and to encourage and assist in such activities).

To assist the affected and their families during natural calamities, hailstorms, earthquakes, fires, accidents and other types of calamities and crises.

Food donation fosters compassion and empathy in society. It reminds us of the struggles that many face and encourages us to be more compassionate and generous. The statistics of malnutrition and hunger in India are shocking. So, while we wish to target hunger and donate food, we must also consider that genuine help for the hungry will need an extra effort from us, i.e. to think about the nutritious value of the food. Thoughtfully donating food to the poor can even contribute to improved physical and mental health and our trust aims to provide the same.

Your Donation will also help us in conducting Women empowerment programme from time to time in various forms, including education, economic, political, and social. Ultimately, women's empowerment aims to create a world where women have the power and freedom to live their lives, without discrimination or limitations based on gender. The meetings and workshops will be conducted from time to time specially focusing on development of women and creating awareness amongst them. Women empowerment through education refers to the process of providing girls and women with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to participate fully in society and make informed decisions about their lives. Education is one of the most powerful tools for empowering women, as it can help them to gain knowledge, skills, and confidence that can help them to improve their lives and the lives of their families and communities. Economic empowerment, Health and well-being, Political participation, and Social empowerment are some ways that education can help empower women. Overall, women's education is essential for achieving gender equality and empowering women to realize their full potential. By investing in girls' education, we can create a more just and equitable world for all.

We intend to involve the youth by promoting Sports and culminate amongst them the feeling of nationality. Getting them involved in sports will help teaching them the good values, ethics, and skills in their life and they can develop the positive personality. The sport activities will also help them reducing the stress level as they will start taking challenges with positivity.

We also intend to promote animal welfare, by considering and focusing on all the aspects of animal well-being inter-alia including Nutrition, Environment, Health, behaviour and Mental State. More and more injured Animals particularly the cows are left stranded on the roads with no one to care for them. We want to help each one of them. Our dream is to give the best facilities to these injured animals and protect them. We intend to shelter, feed and take care of these animals with your kind support. We intend providing shelter, nutritious food, and round-the-clock care.

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